The finest fibers in the world: Vicuña and Alpaca.

The vicuña is a mammal of the camelid family that lives throughout the Andean highlands; It has been protected since 1960 and has been declared an endangered animal. We can find these animals in the Pampa Galeras reserve (Near Ayacucho city, 1 hr. flight from Lima), where you can see the vicuña in its natural habitat.

The vicuña produces one of the best-known animal fibres. Its wool is highly valued and an unprocessed kilogram can fetch up to 400 euros on the international market. People often believe that the best wool is cashmere, however, alpaca and especially vicuña are much finer and scarcer. One of the most important characteristics of vicuña wool is that its surface is very smooth, which makes it soft to the touch, it is hollow inside, which makes it light and helps maintain body temperature. It is also impermeable to water and to the wind and finally it is anti-allergic.

In the tourist markets of Cusco, it is common to find garments such as sweaters, chalets, chuyos, gloves, etc.  To recognise that the garment is 100% alpaca and not mixed with other fibres, one should check that:

  • The garment is cool to the touch.
  • They are not fluffy.
  • The fabric is compact, and it does not stretch easily.
  • The garment is heavy compared to other types of fabrics, not light.
  • The fabric is not shiny.

If you want to buy a garment of the highest quality, we recommend one made of vicuña. Next in quality, look for a garment made of baby alpaca.

The best way to wash your garment is with shampoo and by hand.

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